Among the companies to which sanctions have been applied:
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russian federation

629008, russian federation, Yamalo-Nenets a.o., Salekhard, st. Republic, 73, room. 100

The state-owned, largest transport leasing company in russia, controlled by the ministry of transport of the russian federation, specialising in air, sea, rail, passenger transport, automotive and special equipment for russian transport companies, and investment activities in the development of russia's transport infrastructure.
The company is a strategic asset of the russian federation, a tool for implementing russian state policy and programmes for the development of the transport industry and transport engineering in russia. The company is directly involved in the implementation of 4 national projects and 11 state-funded programmes. The company's activities are aimed at solving important state tasks for the russian federation, such as renewal of transport fleets, development of machine building, import substitution, introduction of digital technologies and platform solutions, and innovations.
The company is the leader in aviation leasing in russia, its main task in the russian market is to develop demand for domestic aircraft and import substitution of the fleet of domestic airlines with new russian equipment. The company's key activities in the aviation sector include the implementation of two investment projects to supply 39 aircraft and 86 helicopters to russian airlines. As of 30.06.2024, the company's fleet comprised 367 aircraft, with total investments in the aviation industry of over RUB 508 billion.
JSC GTLK is the leader in the water transport leasing segment in russia with a market share of 62% in 2023. the company's activities are aimed at renewing the fleet of russian vessels and developing transportation on inland waterways. As of 30.06.2024, the total investment in the industry was over RUB 361 billion.
The company is the largest customer of innovative railway cars in russia. As of 30.06.2024, the company's leased and rented railway equipment fleet totalled 103.7 thousand railcars, and the fleet including contracted railcars was 108.5 thousand units. The total investment in car building is RUB 606 billion.
GTLK participates in the implementation of the federal project ‘Digital Technologies’ of the national programme ‘Digital Economy of the Russian Federation’ in terms of the introduction of ‘end-to-end’ digital technologies and platform solutions mainly based on domestic developments, and supplies telecommunications digital equipment, software and hardware systems, engineering systems for enterprises in priority sectors of the economy and the social sphere on preferential terms.

Sanction Jurisdictions
United States of America
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The country has not yet applied sanctions
Sea vessels
Alexandr Deev
Vessel name
Alexandr Deev
Flag (Current)
russian federation
Vessel Type
Passenger / Ro-Ro Cargo Ship
 Link to a sanctioned entity
The cargo-passenger ferry, built according to the CNF11CPD project of the Vympel Design Bureau by the vesselbuilders of the Amur vesselyard (part of the russian state vesselbuilding holding company United vesselbuilding Corporation), is registered in the russian international register of vessels. It operates on the Vanino - Kholmsk line. The high ice class Arc5 allows the vessel to operate on the line all year round. It can carry 32 railway cars and 12 trucks, as well as up to 200 passengers. The vessel belongs to the sanctioned russian state company JSC GTLK, controlled by the ministry of transport of the russian federation, specializing in air, sea, rail, passenger transportation, automobile, special equipment for russian companies in the transport industry, investment activities for the development of the transport infrastructure of the russian federation. JSC GTLK is the largest transport leasing company in russia, part of the russian transport network through the leasing of railcars, vessels and aircraft on favorable terms to support russia's development strategy. The CEO of JSC GTLK is a sanctioned Ditrikh Yevgeniy Ivanovich. In April 2023, USA imposed sanctions on vessels, including "Alexander Deev", associated with sanctioned persons Ditrikh Yevgeniy Ivanovich and JSC GTLK. The vessel's safety manager is the russian company JSC SakhPasFlot.
Vessel name
Flag (Current)
russian federation
Vessel Type
Oil Products Tanker
Cargo transportation from/to ТОТ of Ukraine
 Calling ports of the TOT
Twin-screw vessel (project 19164) with 12 cargo tanks and 2 slop tanks, double sides and double bottom, aft engine room location, intended for bulk transportation of oil and petroleum products, as well as vegetable oils. It is possible to transport two types of cargo in one flight. Еntering in the ports of the temporarily occupied Crimean peninsula, involved in russia's obtaining excess profits from the sale of petroleum products, in support of the authorities of the rrussian federation by conducting business in a sector of strategic importance for the economy of russia - the energy sector. The vessel is the property of the sanctioned russian company JSC GTLK (TIN 7720261827) - the largest leasing company of aviation, water, railway, urban passenger transport in russia, included in the list of system-forming organizations of the russian economy, controlled by the ministry of transport of the russian federation. The manager of the vessel is the russian company LLC "Rosewood shipping" (TIN 6167088540), affiliated with JSC GTLK, a shipping company specializing in the logistics of oil products with its own fleet. The founder of "Rosewood shipping" LLC is "Yug Energo" LLC (TIN 6167088571). The managing company of "Rosewood shipping" LLC is the sanctioned company JSC "NZNP Management" (TIN 9725007881), affiliated with JSC "NZNP" (one of the largest suppliers of petroleum products in the south of russia, TOT of Ukraine). In April 2023, USA imposed sanctions on vessels (including "Sanar-10") associated with JSC GTLK and its CEO, Ditrikh Yevgeniy Ivanovich.
Vessel name
Flag (Current)
russian federation
Vessel Type
Oil Products Tanker
Cargo transportation from/to ТОТ of Ukraine
 Calling ports of the TOT
Twin-screw vessel (project 19164) with 12 cargo tanks and 2 slop tanks, double sides and double bottom, aft engine room location, intended for bulk transportation of oil and petroleum products, as well as vegetable oils. It is possible to transport two types of cargo in one flight. Еntering in the ports of the temporarily occupied Crimean peninsula, involved in russia's obtaining excess profits from the sale of petroleum products, in support of the authorities of the Rrussian federation by conducting business in a sector of strategic importance for the economy of russia - the energy sector. The vessel is the property of the sanctioned russian company JSC GTLK (TIN 7720261827) - the largest leasing company of aviation, water, railway, urban passenger transport in russia, included in the list of system-forming organizations of the russian economy, controlled by the ministry of transport of the russian federation. The manager of the vessel is the russian company LLC "Rosewood shipping" (TIN 6167088540), affiliated with JSC GTLK, a shipping company specializing in the logistics of oil products with its own fleet. The founder of "Rosewood shipping" LLC is "Yug Energo" LLC (TIN 6167088571). The managing company of "Rosewood shipping" LLC is the sanctioned company JSC "NZNP Management" (TIN 9725007881), affiliated with JSC "NZNP" (one of the largest suppliers of petroleum products in the south of russia, TOT of Ukraine). In April 2023, USA imposed sanctions on vessels (including "Sanar-9") associated with JSC GTLK and its CEO, Ditrikh Yevgeniy Ivanovich.
Vessel name
Flag (Current)
russian federation
Vessel Type
Oil Products Tanker
Cargo transportation from/to ТОТ of Ukraine
 Calling ports of the TOT
Twin-screw vessel (project 19164) with 12 cargo tanks and 2 slop tanks, double sides and double bottom, aft engine room location, intended for bulk transportation of oil and petroleum products, as well as vegetable oils. It is possible to transport two types of cargo in one flight. Еntering in the ports of the temporarily occupied Crimean peninsula, involved in russia's obtaining excess profits from the sale of petroleum products, in support of the authorities of the russian federation by conducting business in a sector of strategic importance for the economy of russia - the energy sector. Since April 2023, the owner and manager of the vessel has been the russian sanctioned company Rosewood shipping LLC (TIN 6167088540), affiliated with JSC GTLK, a shipping company specializing in the logistics of petroleum products with its own fleet. The founder of "Rosewood shipping" LLC is "Yug Energo" LLC (TIN 6167088571). The managing company of "Rosewood shipping" LLC is the sanctioned russian company JSC "NZNP Management" (TIN 9725007881), related to JSC "NZNP" (one of the largest suppliers of petroleum products in the south of russia, TOT of Ukraine). The previous owner of the vessel is the sanctioned russian company JSC GTLK (TIN 7720261827) - the largest leasing company of aviation, water, railway, urban passenger transport in russia, which is included in the list of system-forming organizations of the russian economy and is controlled by the ministry of transport of the russian federation. In April 2023, USA imposed sanctions on vessels (including "Sanar-14") associated with JSC GTLK and its CEO, Ditrikh Yevgeniy Ivanovich.
Vessel name
Flag (Current)
russian federation
Vessel Type
Ro-Ro Cargo Ship
 Link to a sanctioned entity
The vessel is one of the flagships of Kaliningrad maritime logistics (russia), plying the Ust-Luga - Baltiysk route, and can transport up to 140 units of rolling stock and railway wagons per voyage. Since August 2023, the owner and manager of the vessel is the sanctioned company FSUE "Rosmorport" (TIN 7702352454). The previous owner of the vessel was the sanctioned russian company JSC GTLK (TIN 7720261827), which is the largest leasing company of air, water, railway, urban passenger transport in russia, which is included in the list of system-forming organizations of the russian economy. In 2018-2022, the vessel was managed by sanctioned Oboronlogistika LLC (TIN 7718857267), which has been working in the structure of the military construction complex of the ministry of defense since 2015 of russia in order to guarantee the needs of the ministry of defense of russia in the field of transportation, storage and production of military and special purpose products. Oboronlogistika LLC is a cargo operator of the railway ferry line "Ust-Luga - Baltiysk", designated by the government of the russian federation as the sole provider of services for the ministry of defense of the russian federation regarding the delivery of cargo by sea transport to the territory of the Kaliningrad region. The repair of the vessel is carried out by russian companies - CJSC Kanonerskiy Shiprepairing Yard (TIN 7805377436), JSC "Kronstadt Marine Plant" (TIN 7843003128, is under the sanctions of USA, New Zealand, Ukraine). In April 2023, USA imposed sanctions on vessels (including "Baltiysk") associated with JSC GTLK and its CEO, Ditrikh Yevgeniy Ivanovich.
War & Sanctions 2024