
Alexandr Deev

IMO 9940186
Updated: 13.08.2024
Alexandr Deev
Vessel name (international according to IMO)
Alexandr Deev
 Link to a sanctioned entity
Vessel Type
Passenger / Ro-Ro Cargo Ship
Call sign
Flag (Current)
russian federation
The person in connection with whom sanctions have been applied
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Vessel information
The cargo-passenger ferry, built according to the CNF11CPD project of the Vympel Design Bureau by the vesselbuilders of the Amur vesselyard (part of the russian state vesselbuilding holding company United vesselbuilding Corporation), is registered in the russian international register of vessels. It operates on the Vanino - Kholmsk line. The high ice class Arc5 allows the vessel to operate on the line all year round. It can carry 32 railway cars and 12 trucks, as well as up to 200 passengers.
The vessel belongs to the sanctioned russian state company JSC GTLK, controlled by the ministry of transport of the russian federation, specializing in air, sea, rail, passenger transportation, automobile, special equipment for russian companies in the transport industry, investment activities for the development of the transport infrastructure of the russian federation. JSC GTLK is the largest transport leasing company in russia, part of the russian transport network through the leasing of railcars, vessels and aircraft on favorable terms to support russia's development strategy.
The CEO of JSC GTLK is a sanctioned Ditrikh Yevgeniy Ivanovich.
In April 2023, USA imposed sanctions on vessels, including "Alexander Deev", associated with sanctioned persons Ditrikh Yevgeniy Ivanovich and JSC GTLK.
The vessel's safety manager is the russian company JSC SakhPasFlot.
Cases of AIS shutdown
Calling at russian ports
Visited ports
Kholmsk (russia), Korsakov (russia), Nakhodka (russia), Sovetskaya Gavan (russia), Vladivostok (russia), Vanino (russia), Dunay (russia)
Available additional information
Shipowner (IMO / Country / Date)
JSC GTLK (5213962 / russia / 31.05.2023)
Commercial ship manager (IMO / Country / Date)
JSC GTLK (5213962 / russia / 31.05.2023)
Ship Safety Management Manager (IMO / Country / Date)
Sakhalin Passenger Fleet JSC (6233852 / russia / 01.03.2024)
Former ship names
Flags (former)
Build year
Builder (country)
Amur Shipbuilding Plant PJSC (russia)
War & Sanctions 2024