
Champions of terror

Russia uses sport as a tool of propaganda and to circumvent sanctions
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Updated: 13.10.2024
The participation of russian athletes in international competitions is a means of whitewashing russia`s reputation (sportwashing), spreading disinformation, justifying and legitimizing aggression against Ukraine among foreign audiences and demonstrating russia`s continued presence in the civilized world
Russian officials in international sports committees and federations remain a russian lobby and an element of strategic influence outside russia, providing ways to establish international relations and cooperation bypassing sanctions
What needs to be done:
  • suspend russian athletes from international competitions
  • exclude russian sports officials from international organizations
Sport should symbolize peace again
ISINBAEVA Irina Gadzhievna
ISINBAEVA Irina Gadzhievna
Two-time Olympic champion in pole vault, Honored master of sports of russia, European champion, Three-time world outdoor champion, Four-time world indoor champion, President of the Elena Isinbayeva Charitable Foundation, Member of the General Council of the All-russian Children's and Youth Military and Patriotic Public Movement "Yunarmiya", Athletics instructor at CSKA Moscow, Member of the International Olympic Committee (until August 2024)
She is known as a supporter and confidant of putin in the elections in 2012 and 2018. In 2020, she joined the working group for the development of amendments to the Constitution of the russian federation, which allowed putin to be re-elected for two more terms in 2024 and 2030.
She is a member of the public movement "putin's Team". Until July 2023 it was part of the Central Headquarters of the all-russian public and political movement "People's Front "For russia" (under the sanctions of the EU, Canada, Switzerland and Ukraine), created at the initiative of putin with the aim of "promoting russia forward with joint efforts".
In 2015, she received the military rank of major, the epaulettes were presented to her personally by the Minister of Defense of russia Serhiy Shoigu.
He is a member of the board of the "Resurrection" charity fund, founded together with the public organization of veterans of the russian Armed Forces, which collects funds for the construction of the main temple of the russian Armed Forces in the military-patriotic park of culture and recreation "Patriot".
Lives in Spain and owns real estate worth about three million dollars on the island of Tenerife.
She is the owner of the sports products brand ISNBAEVA and co-owner of the Swiss company for the sale of tobacco products and luxury alcohol Luxury Legends Sagl.
KABAEVA Alina Maratovna
KABAEVA Alina Maratovna
Russian gymnast, Honored Master of Sports of russia, Public and political figure, Two-time absolute world champion, five-time absolute European champion, Olympic champion, six-time absolute champion of russia., Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the russian federation of the 5th and 6th convocations, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Media Group holding company, Head of the Board of Directors of Sport-Express CJSC, President of the International Association of Rhythmic Gymnastics Clubs "Heavenly Grace"
She has personal ties to putin, is a member of his inner circle and is considered the mother of his two children.
She supported the annexation of Crimea and russia's war against Ukraine, spreading Kremlin propaganda narratives and symbols of the so-called "SMO". She is the head of the largest russian media conglomerate, National Media Group, which holds leading positions in terms of the share of TV audience of broadcast and pay TV channels.
She organizes and participates in international sports promotional events.
She has repeatedly visited the temporarily occupied Crimea.
Publicly criticizes the decision to ban russian athletes from international competitions.
In 2023, the Heavenly Grace International Association of Rhythmic Gymnastics Clubs, headed by Kabaeva, held an annual international tournament with 46 athletes from 19 countries in Beijing (China). The association's athletes also take part in the annual international competition "Ojag Cup" in Baku, Azerbaijan.
Heads the Alina Kabayeva Charitable Foundation, whose projects include the annual Alina Festival and International Rhythmic Gymnastics Tournament. In 2023, the festival was held in Sochi (russia) with the participation of gymnasts from Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Cuba and Uzbekistan. In addition, the Foundation, under the leadership of Kabayeva, financed the restoration of the medieval Church of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica in the temporarily occupied Feodosia (Crimea).
Also in 2023, Kabaeva supported the international rhythmic gymnastics competition "Grand Prix. Alina Kabayeva Gazprom Champions Cup" was held with the participation of athletes from Belarus, China, Israel, Armenia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Montenegro, Kyrgyzstan, Korea, the UAE, Azerbaijan, Syria, and Slovakia.
MONSON Jeffrey William
MONSON Jeffrey William
American and russian athlete and actor, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World Champion, Deputy of the Krasnogorsk City District Council from the United russia party, Deputy of the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan of the seventh convocation, First Vice President of the Wrestling Federation of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Coach of HC "Granit-Chekhov"
He actively supports russia's war against Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea, spreading the Kremlin's propaganda narratives. In his public statements, he condemns the US assistance to Ukraine, which is why he changed his citizenship to russian. In addition, declared his readiness to personally fight against Ukraine.
In 2016, he received the citizenship of the so-called "LPR". He systematically visits the so-called "DPR/LPR", provides them with financial support, and calls on everyone to participate in fundraising to "help victims of the war in eastern Ukraine". He was awarded the medal of the so-called "Ministry of Internal Affairs of the LPR" "For Assistance to the Internal Affairs Bodies".
In 2022, together with russia Today, he made a "8 Years Before" documentary about Donbas, and explained that he decided to create this film because he was "offended to see the wrong history of the conflict in the Western media."
In February 2023, he got a symbolic tattoo of the letter "Z" in support of the so-called "SMO".
In 2023, together with the State Duma deputy Alexander Valuev, he announced the filming of a joint documentary on the same topic called "Just Life".
He is one of the key figures in the putin's Team public movement and a member of the all-russian public and political movement People's Front for russia (under sanctions from the EU, Canada, Switzerland and Ukraine), created at putin's initiative to "move russia forward through joint efforts."
TARPISHCHEV Shamil Anvyarovich
TARPISHCHEV Shamil Anvyarovich
Soviet and russian sports functionary, Member of the International Olympic Committee, Member of the Executive Committee of the russian Olympic Committee, Member of the Presidential Council on Physical Culture and Sport, Chairman of the Commission for the elaboration of priority areas of state policy in the field of physical culture and sport, as well as the strategy for the development of sport in russia, Advisor to the Mayor of Moscow on sports, President of the russian Tennis Federation, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the VTB Kremlin Cup international tennis tournament, Master of sports in tennis, Honored coach of the RSFSR and the USSR
He is a member of the commission advising the IOC session and president on strengthening the role of sport and Olympism in society.
Publicly emphasizes the formality of the neutral status of russian athletes at international tournaments, in which athletes of the russian Tennis Federation under his control continue to actively participate.
He lobbied for the admission of russian juniors to participate in the international tennis tournament at Wimbledon (Great Britain) in 2023 and the participation of russian tennis players in the Olympic Games in Paris (France) in 2024.
In 2022, by putin's decree, he was awarded the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree for ensuring successful training of athletes who achieved high sports achievements at the Games of the XXXII Olympiad and the XVI Paralympic Summer Games in Tokyo (Japan) in 2020.
In 2023, he received a personal birthday greeting from putin.
Russian and international sports functionary, President of the International Boxing Association (IBA), First Vice-President of the European Boxing Confederation (EUBC) in 2019-2020, Former Secretary General of the russian Boxing Federation, Current member of the Executive Committee of the russian Boxing Federation
Russian businessman and sports functionary close to putin, close friend of the head of putin's security service.
As part of his activities, he establishes cooperation with government agencies of foreign countries. Publicly criticizes the decision to bar russian athletes from international competitions.
In 2023, he was a member of the official russian delegation during the russian president's visit to China.
Since 2016, he has been leading the russian Boxing Federation with the support of the russian Federal Security Service.
In his position as president of the International Boxing Association (IBA), he moved the association's activities to russia, suspended Ukraine from the IBA and made russia's sanctioned Gazprom the sole sponsor of the IBA.
After the IOC revoked the IBA's accreditation in 2019, Kremlev organized international tournaments not recognized by the International Olympic Committee.
In 2020, by putin's decree, he was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, for his great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports.
In 2020-2023, with the assistance of state structures, he gained significant control over the russian bookmaker market.
YANBORISOV Bulat Akhatovich
YANBORISOV Bulat Akhatovich
Founder and head of the "Silkway Rally" Motorsport Support and Development Association / former adviser at the State Development Corporation "VEB.rf"
He is the manager and owner of Silkway Rally, an international rally-raid project that uses the GRU leadership as an infrastructure for its residents and to establish political contacts.
Internal documents of Silkway Rally present the company as a "universal platform for people's diplomacy" based on the idea of "soft power of russia" aimed at its rapprochement with China, Iran, Qatar, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. in the region by acting as a mediator between Qatar, Iran, and Turkey; influencing Saudi Arabia; influencing Turkey on all issues of interest to russia, including Azerbaijan, Armenia, Crimea, and Syria; and providing Taliban proposals (a roadmap to international legitimacy) in exchange for recognizing Crimea as russian territory.
In addition, the rallies are supposed to promote the Siberian Power 2 project of cooperation between Gazprom and China's CNPC to supply russian gas to the PRC.
The Silkway Rally Association is the organizer of the transnational joint project between russia and the PRC, which is held annually on the basis of the russian Government Order No. 599-r dated April 08, 2011. Within the framework of the project, the interaction of executive authorities of all levels of the participating countries is practiced, national management is developed, which allows using the acquired experience and well-functioning communication system to organize large-scale political, economic and humanitarian projects at the interstate level.
In 2021, Yanborisov reported to russian Defense Minister Shoigu on military objectives: the possibility of creating new military and political alliances; increasing russia's military presence in Central Asia and the East in order to "prevent destabilization of the region"; arms control in Central Asia and the East; and the possibility of introducing the products of the russian military-industrial complex to new markets, with which negotiations were held to support the Silkway platform. In particular, the PRC, Turkey and the UAE were discussed.
Bulat Yanborisov carried out the assignment as an agent in the service of the Kremlin, was in constant contact with the officers of the 29155, received an award personally from GRU General Vladimir Alekseev.
Yanborisov was also involved in GRU special operations to apply pulse signals in the radio frequency range on the physical and psychological state of a number of foreign diplomats and intelligence officers - the so-called "Havana syndrome." GRU officers have used the Silk Road Rally as a cover for tipping agents, transporting cargo and legalizing work abroad since 2016, and continued to use the rally as a way to enter the PRC since 2017.
Resides in Paris. Owns real estate in Cyprus, a house in Sozopol, Bulgaria, and an apartment in Paris, France.
Given Yanborisov's constant contacts with the GRU, his real estate abroad - an apartment in Paris and a mansion in Sozopol - can be used by the GRU as safe houses. And it is the Silkway Rally that is the occasion for its residents to travel to Central Asia and China.
In 2024, the rally was held along the international route Tomsk (russia) - Ulan Bator (Mongolia).
KIRIENKO/IZRAITEL Sergey Vladilenovich
KIRIENKO/IZRAITEL Sergey Vladilenovich
Founder of the russian Union of Martial Arts (RSBI), Russian statesman, member of the State Duma of the russian Federation, First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the russian Federation, Political technologist, responsible for Putin's election campaigns in 2018 and 2024, Hero of the russia, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the National Centre "russia"
Under Kiriyenko's leadership, the russian Union of Martial Arts and Combat Sports unites 71 all-russian sports federations and organizations representing various styles and trends of martial arts and combat sports that are most actively developing in the russian Federation. RSBI is a member of the russian Olympic Committee and the international sports organization TAFISA.
The activities of the RSBI are realized, among other things, in holding national and international sports events in the territory of the russian federation, as well as in creating platforms for the exchange of experience between russian sports federations and the international community.
Every year, the RSBI holds hundreds of events, the main purpose of which is to popularize and promote martial arts as the most massive sports movement in russia, which allows solving, among other things, the issues of pre-conscription training of young people.
In December 2022, the Soyuz military detachment was created on the basis of the RSBI, consisting of "international masters of sports, honored masters of sports, first-class masters of sports" who went to war in Ukraine. As of December 2023, 145 people had joined the unit.
The fighters were trained and coached at the russian Special Forces University in Chechnya. Its founder, Danil Martynov, an aide to Ramzan Kadyrov, is the co-chairman of the RSBI. Kiriyenko, along with co-founder Yuriy Trutnev, are personally responsible for the supply and personally visit Donbas to deliver equipment to the Soyuz unit, including drone detection equipment, vehicles and equipment, and sniper rifles.
According to media reports, during the war, the RSBI made RUB 139 million worth of purchases from the Moscow Arsenal arms showroom and RUB 35 million from the rifle manufacturer Lobaev Arms. The RSBI bought optical equipment from Innovative Weapons Technologies (for RUB 19 million) and Navigator (RUB 25 million). The russian University of Special Forces in Chechnya received RUB 38 million from the russian Strategic Missile Systems for training volunteers.
KHORKINA Svetlana Vasilievna
KHORKINA Svetlana Vasilievna
Russian gymnast, Two-time Olympic champion in uneven bars exercises, 9-time world champion, 13-time European champion, Honored master of sports of russia, Member of the State Duma of the russian federation of the fifth convocation from the United russia party, Assistant to the Control Department of the presidential Administration of the russian federation, First Deputy Head of CSKA Moscow, State Counselor of the russian federation, 3rd class, President of the International Association of Artistic Gymnastics Clubs, Vice President of the russian Gymnastics Federation
Supports and justifies russia's war against Ukraine by spreading Kremlin propaganda narratives. She supports рutin's policies and was included in the list of his proxies in the 2024 elections.
Publicly criticizes the decision to ban russian athletes from international competitions.
He has the rank of colonel. He is the first deputy head of the Central Sports Club of the russian Army (CSKA), which is subordinated to the russian Ministry of Defense.
The CSKA provides active assistance to the military and veterans of the so-called "SMO" by purchasing and delivering special equipment, FPV drones, generators and humanitarian supplies to the frontline, conducts military-patriotic education of children and youth, organizes and conducts sports and patriotic events and promotes international cooperation, in particular within the framework of the World War Games project.
It is one of the founders of the All-russian Children's and Youth Military and Patriotic Public Movement "Yunarmiya", which is one of the main mechanisms of militarization and military training of children and youth in russia and in the TOT of Ukraine.
War & Sanctions 2024