
Child kidnappers

List of persons involved in the deportation of Ukrainian children
Total number:
Legal entities
Updated: 03.10.2024
Everyone involved in the deportation of Ukrainian children: officials who make decisions, participants of "re-education" youth organizations, Russian educational and cultural institutions should become known to the whole world and be held accountable.
Illegal deportation and violent "re-education" by russia of children from the occupied territories of Ukraine is a crime against humanity and an act of cultural genocide.
According to official reports, at least 20,000 Ukrainian children have been forcibly removed from their homes in Ukraine and transferred to russian territory since the commencement of the large-scale invasion. These actions are demonstrably intended to sever the children`s connection to their Ukrainian national identity.
Leverage the data from the Portal to expedite the initiation and execution of investigations, ensuring accountability to perpetrators. Boycott the educational and cultural community of the aggressor, given their complicity in cultural genocide. Speak and write as much as possible about kidnapped Ukrainian children. This will help to save them and bring them home.
Individuals Legal entities
Individuals Legal entities
MOSOLYGINA Larisa Anatolyevna
MOSOLYGINA Larisa Anatolyevna
Organizers of the deportation
As the Children's Rights Commissioner in the Tver Region, supporting and actively implementing putin's policy on deporting Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to the Tver Region. According to the statement of the Children's Rights Commissioner in the Tver Region: 'Families in the Upper Volga region can become new moms and dads for orphans who have come to the region from the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics.'

The Tver Region has been included in the all-russian register of those willing to take guardianship of children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. In this region, the social and household arrangement of citizens evacuated from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine is regulated by the resolution of the government of the Tver Region dated 05.03.2022 No. 165-pp 'On providing temporary social and household arrangement for citizens permanently residing in the territory of Ukraine, as well as in the territories of the subjects of the russian federation where the maximum and average levels of response are introduced, who have been forced to leave residential premises and are located in the territory of the Tver Region, including in temporary accommodation points.' From these territories, 454 people were relocated to the Tver Region in 2023, and 3,144 people in 2022. There are still 10 temporary accommodation points in the region, where 460 people reside (374 people in 2022)."
LISTOPADOVA Natalia Gennadievna
LISTOPADOVA Natalia Gennadievna
Organizers of the deportation
As the Children's Rights Commissioner in the Kursk Region supports and actively implements putin's policy regarding the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to the Kursk Region for further placement into russian families under guardianship. Approves the simplified procedure for obtaining russian citizenship for Ukrainian orphaned children. In fact, this move by the Kremlin dictator means the forced passportization of residents of temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine by russia and attempts to legalize the illegal transfer of Ukrainian children from the territories temporarily occupied by the russian army to the territory of the russian federation, effectively legitimizing their abduction.

In its annual report for 2023, the Children's Rights Commissioner reports on the continuation of work to 'ensure the rights' of children displaced from Ukraine, in particular, taking measures to ensure that Ukrainian children receive education in russian educational institutions. As of the beginning of October 2023, 393 students from 'migrant' families were studying in educational institutions in the Kursk Region (excluding preschool educational institutions and professional education institutions).

In February 2022, 276 Ukrainian children were transported en masse to the territory of the Kursk Region from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, 140 of whom were placed with russian families (according to the annual report of the Children's Rights Commissioner in the Kursk Region for 2022).
More than:
children killed
1 631
children injured
19 546
children abducted
As of: 05.10.2024
War & Sanctions 2024