
Evdokimova Anzhelika Vladimirovna

Organizers of the deportation

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Євдокимова Анжеліка Володимирівна
Евдокимова Анжелика Владимировна
Evdokimova Anzhelika Vladimirovna

Date and place of birth
Mikhailov, Ryazan region, RSFSR, USSR

Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Ryazan region

Tax Number

As a children's rights ombudsman in the Ryazan region, she supports and implements putin's policy of deporting Ukrainian children who have been displaced from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to the territory of the russian federation. It facilitates the placement of Ukrainians in the so-called “temporary accommodation centers” in the Ryazan region, and ensures the placement of children from Ukraine in russian families.
In her annual report for 2023, the authorized person notes the “success” of the russian region in placing children taken from the territories of the so-called “military operation” in russian educational institutions (in particular, in 2023, 250 schoolchildren were organized, 60 children aged 2 to 7 were provided with preschool education services).
In his position, he also pays special attention to residents of the so-called L/DPR and forcibly deported Ukrainians, participates in creating conditions for their residence in the Ryazan region of the russian federation and solving their social and domestic issues. She reported similar achievements in her position in 2022.
In cooperation with law enforcement agencies, the russian federation ensures the change of citizenship of forcibly removed Ukrainian children to russian citizenship, as stated in the report on the results of the activities of the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Ryazan region in 2022. As of 12/31/2022, there were 364 Ukrainian schoolchildren in the Ryazan region.

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War and Sanctions 2024