
Ursa Major

IMO 9538892
Updated: 20.09.2024
Ursa Major
Vessel name (international according to IMO)
Ursa Major
Transportation of military cargo
 Weapons and military equipment
Vessel Type
General cargo ship
Call sign
Flag (Current)
russian federation
The person in connection with whom sanctions have been applied
Provide additional information
Vessel information
It is involved in the transportation of military equipment for the russian troops in Syria
The vessel belongs to the sanctioned russian shipping company SK-South LLC, a subsidiary of the sanctioned russian company Oboronlogistika LLC. OOO Oboronlogistika. Oboronlogistika LLC is a shipping company that operates within the military construction complex of the russian ministry of defence. The main objectives of Oboronlogistika LLC are to meet the needs of the russian ministry of defence in the transportation, storage and production of military and special-purpose goods. Oboronlogistika LLC is the sole provider of transport services for the russian ministry of defence, transporting troops to certain regions of russia and delivering cargo to temporarily occupied Crimea (Ukraine).
In May 2022, USA imposed sanctions on "Ursa Major" as a property of SK-South LLC.
After a long period of work in the Caspian Sea to provide transportations between the ports of russia and Iran, in September 2023 completed the passage to the Azov-Black Sea basin, where it was without AIS signal. The vessel made calls at the port of Taurus (Syria) using an AIS disconnection scheme to conceal destinations.
While making voyages to Syria, passed the Bosphorus Strait without waiting. In accordance with established practice, vessels wait for their turn to pass for a certain period of time. This is only possible with prior agreement with representatives of the Turkish maritime administration
The russian federation continues to use cargo vessels to move cargo, including military cargo, through the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits.
During 2022-2023, these straits were crossed by russian cargo vessels affiliated with Oboronlogistika LLC, namely: "Sparta IV", "Ursa Major", "Sparta II". These vessels were travelling along the routes Novorossiysk Port (russia) - Bosphorus - Dardanelles - Tartus Port (Syria).
Since March 2024, the vessel has been sailing between the ports of Baltiysk - Kronstadt - St Petersburg.
Cases of AIS shutdown
Calling at russian ports
Visited ports
Baltiysk (russia), Novorossiysk (russia), Sankt-Peterburg (russia), Kronstadt (russia), Fishing port of St. Petersburg (russia), Tartus (Syria), Sheskharis (russia)
Available additional information
Shipowner (IMO / Country / Date)
SC-South LLC (5937219 / russia / 10.2020)
Commercial ship manager (IMO / Country / Date)
SC-South LLC (5937219 / russia / 10.2020)
Ship Safety Management Manager (IMO / Country / Date)
SC-South LLC (5937219 / russia / 16.03.2021)
Former ship names
Sparta III / Eit Palmina / Hyundai Britania / Scan Britania
Flags (former)
Belize / Antigua and Barbuda / Germany / Isle of Man
Build year
Builder (country)
Ps Werften Wolgast (Germany)
War & Sanctions 2024