
Am Calypso

IMO 9715270
Updated: 25.09.2024
Am Calypso
Vessel name (international according to IMO)
Am Calypso
Cargo transportation from/to ТОТ of Ukraine
 Theft of Ukrainian grain
Vessel Type
Bulk Carrier
Call sign
Flag (Current)
russian federation
The person in connection with whom sanctions have been applied
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Vessel information
Involved in the export of Ukrainian grain from the port of Sevastopol (TOT Crimea, Ukraine) to the Iranian port of Bandar Imam Khomeini, to Syria and Yemen with the AIS signal turned off, following the traditional scheme of concealing calls to Ukrainian ports in the TOT of Ukraine.
The russian companies Aval LLC (TIN 7720314451, under Ukrainian sanctions), Pallada LLC (TIN 6161095847), and the Syrian state-owned company "The General Organization for trading, storage and processing of grain" were involved in the theft of Ukrainian grain by the vessel. Pallada LLC has repeatedly been involved in the theft of Ukrainian grain.
In April 2024, Security Service of Ukraine served the ship's captain with a notice of suspicion of violating the procedure for entry/exit to/from the TOT of Ukraine.
In 2024, the vessel continues to steal Ukrainian grain from the TOT of Ukraine.
Cases of AIS shutdown
Calling at russian ports
Visited ports
Baltiysk (russia), Kavkaz (russia), Sankt-Peterburg (russia), Sevastopol (Ukraine), Zeytinburnu (Turkey), Port Zheleznyy Rog (russia), Adabiya (Egypt), Bandar Imam Khomeini (Iran)
Available additional information
Shipowner (IMO / Country / Date)
Am Asia M5 LTD с/о Salmi Shipmanagement LLC (6187319 / russia / 25.06.2024)
Commercial ship manager (IMO / Country / Date)
Salmi Shipmanagement LLC (6243522 / russia / 15.09.2023)
Ship Safety Management Manager (IMO / Country / Date)
Salmi Shipmanagement LLC (6243522 / russia / 15.09.2023)
Former ship names
Zaid / Am Totma / Wl Totma / Alpine / Nordic Sydney
Flags (former)
Palau / Panama / Malta / Marshall Islands / Isle of Man
Build year
Builder (country)
Dongze Shipyard (China)
War & Sanctions 2024