KHAYREDINOVA Elzara Aiderovna

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ХАЙРЕДИНОВА Ельзара Айдерівна
ХАЙРЕДИНОВА Эльзара Айдеровна
KHAYREDINOVA Elzara Aiderovna
ХАЙРЕДИНОВА Эльзара Айдеровна
KHAYREDINOVA Elzara Aiderovna
Date and place of birth
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The so-called "Head of the Department of History and Archaeology of Ancient and Medieval Crimea
Head of the Eski-Kerma Archaeological Expedition of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Crimean Federal University named after Vernadsky"
Head of the Eski-Kerma Archaeological Expedition of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Crimean Federal University named after Vernadsky"
Khayredinova heads the Eski-Kermen archaeological expedition, which conducts illegal archaeological excavations on the temporarily occupied Crimean peninsula. Every year she receives permits from the Ministry of Culture of the russian federation for illegal archaeological work.
Participated in excavations: "Medieval settlement and cemetery Eski-Kermen", "Cemetery near the village of Luchiste".
Participated in excavations: "Medieval settlement and cemetery Eski-Kermen", "Cemetery near the village of Luchiste".
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