Persons to whom
Sanctions applied
NamePositionSanction Jurisdictions
POPOVICH Aleksei Valerievich
Member of the Board, first Vice President JSC "Gazprombank"
Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, United States of America
POPOV Anatoly Leonidovich
Member of the Board of the Bank PJSC "Sberbank"
Great Britain, United States of America
PLOKHOI Oleg Anatolyevich
Secretary of State, Deputy Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation (Rosgvardia) – Commanderin-Chief of Rosgvardia
EU, Japan, Switzerland
POSPELOV Vladimir Yakovlevich
Member of the Board of Directors of United Shipbuilding Corporation LLC
United States of America
PANCHENKO Igor Vladimirovich
Member of the Federation Council from the legislature of the Tula region
Canada, New Zealand, United States of America
PANFEROV Alexey Valeryevich
Deputy Chairman of the Board of PJSC Sovcombank
Great Britain, United States of America
PETROV Yury Alexandrovich
Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VIII convocation, faction - All-Russian political party "United Russia"
Australia, Canada, EU, Great Britain, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, United States of America
PRONKO Yuri Aleksandrovich
So-called ‘minister of Agriculture and Food’ of the so-called ‘People’s Republic of Luhansk’
Australia, Canada, EU, Great Britain, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland
PYZHIK Yuri Nikolaevich
Сommander of the 61st Fighter Air Base, military unit 54804, head of the Baranovichi garrison
Australia, Canada, EU, Great Britain, New Zealand, Switzerland
PEYGANOVICH Yuri Mikhailovich
Deputy Commander of the Belarusian Air Force and Air Defence Forces for Logistics and a Head of Department
Canada, EU, Great Britain, New Zealand, Switzerland
PRILEPIN Yevgeniy Nikolaevich
Сo-chairman of A Just Russia – Patriots – For Truth party. Russian activist, journalist, writer
Australia, Canada, EU, Great Britain, New Zealand, Switzerland
PERMINOVA Elena Alekseyevna
Senator of the Russian Federation, representative in the Federation Council from the executive body of the state power of the Kurgan region
Australia, Canada, EU, Great Britain, New Zealand, Switzerland, United States of America
War & Sanctions 2024