Persons to whom
Sanctions applied
NamePositionSanction Jurisdictions
LUTSAK Valentin Pavlovich
Major of the 64th Separate Motorised Rifle Brigade of the 35th Combined Arms Army of the Russian Federation
Canada, EU, Japan, Switzerland
LADYZHENSKII Evgenii Valerievich
Lieutenant colonel of the 64th Separate Motorised Rifle Brigade of the 35th Combined Arms Army of the Russian Federation
Canada, EU, Japan, Switzerland
LVOV Dmitrii Ivanovich
Lieutenant colonel of the 64th Separate Motorised Rifle Brigade of the 35th Combined Arms Army of the Russian Federation
Canada, EU, Japan, Switzerland
LUSHNIKOV Alan Valerievich
Beneficiary of JSC "Concern Kalashnikov", General Director/Founder of "TKKH-INVEST" LLC, founder of LLC "PERSPECTIVE", founder of LLC "DREAM IT"
Australia, Canada, EU, Great Britain, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, United States of America
LEBEDEV Alexandr Evgenievich
Russian entrepreneur, public and political figure, writer. Chairman of the Board of Directors of ZAO National Reserve Corporation. Member of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy. Owner of the British online edition of the Independent and the television channel London Live. Majority owner of the Evening Standard newspaper
LOGINOV Ilya Alekseyevich
Deputy General Director for Legal Support at Sovfracht
United States of America
LUKYANOV Fedor Alexandrovich
Russian international journalist, political scientist, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Russia in Global Affairs", chairman of the presidium of the non-governmental organization "Council on Foreign and Defense Policy", member of the presidium of the non-profit organization "Russian Council on International Affairs", director of scientific work of the Development and Support Fund of the Valdai International Discussion Club, Research Professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, author and host of the International Review program. One of the authors of the Great Russian Encyclopedia
LAVRIK Valentina Vasilievna
the so-called "Minister of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea"
Canada, EU, Switzerland, United States of America
LUGANSKY Sergey Viktorovich
Deputy of the People's Council of the 1st Convocation of the so-called "Donetsk People's Republic"
LAYEVSKAYA Inna Valeryevna
Member of the so-called "Committee of the People's Council of the DPR" on foreign policy, international relations, information policy and information technology
LESHCHENKO Mikhail Aleksandrovich
General Director of JSC "MARSHAL.GLOBAL"
United States of America
LATYPOV Nail Shavketovich
EU, Switzerland
War & Sanctions 2024