Child kidnappers

List of persons involved in the deportation of Ukrainian children
Total number:
Legal entities
Updated: 28.10.2024
Everyone involved in the deportation of Ukrainian children: officials who make decisions, participants of "re-education" youth organizations, Russian educational and cultural institutions should become known to the whole world and be held accountable.
Illegal deportation and violent "re-education" by russia of children from the occupied territories of Ukraine is a crime against humanity and an act of cultural genocide.
According to official reports, at least 20,000 Ukrainian children have been forcibly removed from their homes in Ukraine and transferred to russian territory since the commencement of the large-scale invasion. These actions are demonstrably intended to sever the children`s connection to their Ukrainian national identity.
Leverage the data from the Portal to expedite the initiation and execution of investigations, ensuring accountability to perpetrators. Boycott the educational and cultural community of the aggressor, given their complicity in cultural genocide. Speak and write as much as possible about kidnapped Ukrainian children. This will help to save them and bring them home.
Individuals Legal entities
Individuals Legal entities
"Re-education" organizations
Participates in an organized mechanism of mass abduction, illegal deportation and forced displacement of Ukrainian children within the TOT of Ukraine and to russia by taking measures aimed at re-educating and militarizing children in the TOT of Ukraine.
It provides the so-called "military-patriotic" education of young people in the temporarily occupied Luhansk, as well as their preparation for service in the armed forces of the russian federation.
The organization is closely linked to putin's political party and operates under the leadership of a so-called "deputy of the People's Council of the LPR". It conducts activities for the "patriotic" education of young people in the temporarily occupied Luhansk, glorifies the russian military, and is actively involved in supplying the russian military with drones and electronic warfare equipment. It organizes military-patriotic events for young people with the participation of the SMO fighters, the program of which includes tactics of working with UAVs, disassembling and assembling weapons, psychological training, etc.
It cooperates with a number of other russian re-education organizations operating in the temporarily occupied Donetsk and Luhansk regions, including the Donetsk Regional Public Organization "Young Republic", the Public Organization "Young Guard", the Luhansk headquarters of the all-russian project "#MYVMESTE", as well as with the occupation authorities of the so-called "LPR".
"Re-education" organizations
Participates in an organized mechanism of mass abduction, illegal deportation and forced displacement of Ukrainian children within the TOT of Ukraine and to the russian federation by conducting activities aimed at re-educating and militarizing children in the TOT of Ukraine.
Provides the so-called "military-patriotic" education of youthin temporarily occupied Luhansk, as well as preparing them for service in the armed forces of the russian federation.
Among the goals of the organization are the formation of national patriotic consciousness of young people, their patriotic education, formation of their civic attitude towards russia, a worldview based on national and state interests and spiritual and moral values, preparation for military or other public service. He is a member of the russian Interregional Youth Public Organization "Military-Patriotic Club "Rus" group "VIYUR", which is closely connected with the power structures of the russian federation.
Every year, the military-patriotic club "Rus" group "VIYUR" under the leadership of the reserve colonel of the FSB Alexander Vasilyevich Medvedev sends its students to the territory of the russian federation to participate in military field training. The program of the military field training includes, among other things, elements of hostage rescue and hand-to-hand combat, knife throwing and knife fighting tactics, assembling and disassembling weapons, airgun shooting, etc.
The organization regularly raises funds for the needs of the russian armed forces, including the purchase of electronic warfare equipment.
More than:
children killed
1 650
children injured
19 546
children abducted
As of: 28.10.2024
War & Sanctions 2024