
Shahed-136 UAV № М214

TIVA TM4C129x series microcontroller; Architecture: ARM Cortex-M4F; Number of bits: 32 bits; Processor frequency: 120 MHz; Program memory size: 512 KB; RAM size: 256 KB TM4C129 (4KCPDTI3 14CF2TW)
Shahed-136 UAV № М214
Transmission unit and PWR LAN
TIVA TM4C129x series microcontroller; Architecture: ARM Cortex-M4F; Number of bits: 32 bits; Processor frequency: 120 MHz; Program memory size: 512 KB; RAM size: 256 KB
TM4C129 (4KCPDTI3 14CF2TW)
TIVA TM4C129x series microcontroller; Architecture: ARM Cortex-M4F; Number of bits: 32 bits; Processor frequency: 120 MHz; Program memory size: 512 KB; RAM size: 256 KB
Name and marking
TIVA TM4C129x series microcontroller; Architecture: ARM Cortex-M4F; Number of bits: 32 bits; Processor frequency: 120 MHz; Program memory size: 512 KB; RAM size: 256 KB
TM4C129 (4KCPDTI3 14CF2TW)
Manufacturer's headquarters country
United States of America
Texas Instruments
Extended description
Production date
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War & Sanctions 2024