Corsair UAV

Optocoupler/Optoisolator Tri-State Optocoupler Logic Output DC-IN 2CH 20Pin CLLCC A Q1329 HCPL-6231 5962-88769022A SGP 50434
Corsair UAV
Calculation and conversion device BSU-B No. 2801
The charge of MY BSU head. No. 2806 in case No. 2804/1
Optocoupler/Optoisolator Tri-State Optocoupler Logic Output DC-IN 2CH 20Pin CLLCC
A Q1329 HCPL-6231 5962-88769022A SGP 50434
Optocoupler/Optoisolator Tri-State Optocoupler Logic Output DC-IN 2CH 20Pin CLLCC
Name and marking
Optocoupler/Optoisolator Tri-State Optocoupler Logic Output DC-IN 2CH 20Pin CLLCC
A Q1329 HCPL-6231 5962-88769022A SGP 50434
Manufacturer's headquarters country
United States of America
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War & Sanctions 2025