
Volgo Don 205

IMO 8959166
Updated: 27.09.2024
Volgo Don 205
Vessel name (international according to IMO)
Volgo Don 205
Cargo transportation from/to ТОТ of Ukraine
 Theft of Ukrainian grain
Vessel Type
General cargo ship
Call sign
Flag (Current)
russian federation
The person in connection with whom sanctions have been applied
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Vessel information
The vessel is involved in the theft of Ukrainian grain from the ports of the TOT of Crimea (Ukraine) with the AIS disabled, its transshipment to the Kerch Strait, violates the so-called ‘Crimean sanctions’, and calls at closed Ukrainian ports in the TOT of Crimea (Ukraine). Thus, the vessel is involved in a scheme to ‘legalise’ stolen Ukrainian grain and redirect it to third countries under the guise of grain of russian origin.
In June 2022, a russian vessel transported more than 12,000 tonnes of wheat and barley from the temporarily occupied closed port of Sevastopol for transshipment to the port of Kavkaz (russia).
The Ukrainian court seized the vessel in the framework of criminal proceedings on violations of the procedure for entering and leaving the temporarily occupied territory.
Cases of AIS shutdown
Calling at russian ports
Visited ports
Azov (russia), Sevastopol (Ukraine), Port Crimea (Ukraine), Volgograd (russia), Tolyatti (russia), Ust-Donetsk (russia), Kalach-na-Donu (russia), Zhelezny Rog (russia), Volgodonsk (russia), Rostov-on-Don (russia), Bagaevskaya (russia)
Available additional information
Shipowner (IMO / Country / Date)
Volgo-Don 219 Shipping LTD c/o Volga-Don Shipping JSC (current company Azovo/Don Shipping JSC) (5353052 / russia / 31.07.2009)
Commercial ship manager (IMO / Country / Date)
Volga-Don Shipping JSC (current company Azovo/Don Shipping JSC) (0555709 / russia / 31.07.2009)
Ship Safety Management Manager (IMO / Country / Date)
Unknown (25.10.2006)
Former ship names
Flags (former)
Belize / Cambodia
Build year
Builder (country)
JSC Okskaya Shipyard (russia)
War & Sanctions 2024