
Gam Express

IMO 8204119
Updated: 13.08.2024
Gam Express
Vessel name (international according to IMO)
Gam Express
Cargo transportation from/to ТОТ of Ukraine
 Theft of Ukrainian grain
Vessel Type
General cargo ship
Call sign
Flag (Current)
The person in connection with whom sanctions have been applied
Provide additional information
Vessel information
It was involved in numerous cases of exporting Ukrainian grain from the port of Feodosia (TOT Crimea, Ukraine) and the temporarily occupied territory of Zaporizhzhia region to the Turkish port of Samsun with the AIS signal turned off, following the traditional scheme of concealing calls to Ukrainian ports in the TOT of Ukraine.
The vessel was repeatedly recorded by the Monitoring Group of the Black Sea Strategic Studies Institute and the BlackSeaNews editorial board as having entered the ports of the TOT of Crimea in violation of Ukrainian legislation and international sanctions.
The russian companies Agrogroup LLC (TIN 4712030355), Vidan LLC (TIN 7715588288), Turkish companies Trans World Agro Tarim İhracat İthalat Li̇mi̇ted Şi̇rketi̇, and Vtc Tarim Urunleri Gida San Ve Tic LTD STI (tax number 9250466444) are involved in the theft of Ukrainian grain by the ship. During 2022-2023, Vtc Tarim Urunleri Gida San Ve Tic LTD STI imported sunflower oil from russia through temporarily occupied Feodosia, where the sender was the russian sanctioned State Unitary Enterprise State Grain Operator (TIN 9001011019). The latter is engaged in the export of agricultural products from the temporarily occupied Melitopol.
Cases of AIS shutdown
Calling at russian ports
Visited ports
Al Iskandariyh (Alexandria) (Egypt), Damietta (Egypt), Iskenderun (Turkey), Istanbul (Turkey), Mersin (Turkey), Samsun (Turkey), Zeytinburnu (Turkey), MMK metallurgy (Turkey), El-Dekheila (Egypt), Feodosia (Ukraine), Tripoli (Lebanon), Abu Qir (Egypt), Aqaba (Jordan)
Available additional information
Shipowner (IMO / Country / Date)
Mga Shipping Co (6379370 / Romania / 13.01.2023)
Commercial ship manager (IMO / Country / Date)
Agm Express Co (6346994 / Romania / 21.09.2022)
Ship Safety Management Manager (IMO / Country / Date)
Agm Express Co (6346994 / Romania / 21.09.2022)
Former ship names
Agm Express / Hajeh Amira / Haje Amira / Narsis / Lady Eman / Martakla / Ali-M
Flags (former)
Togo / Cameroon / Lebanon / Tanzania / Georgia
Build year
Builder (country)
Shin Kurushima (Japan)
War & Sanctions 2024