
Ocean AMZ

IMO 9394935
Updated: 14.08.2024
Ocean AMZ
Vessel name (international according to IMO)
Ocean AMZ
Transportation of fossil fuels
 Violation of the oil embargo
Vessel Type
Crude Oil Tanker
Call sign
Flag (Current)
Cook Islands
The person in connection with whom sanctions have been applied
Provide additional information
Vessel information
It is involved in the transportation of russian crude oil in violation of the G7 and EU oil embargo on russian oil.
The vessel transported russian crude oil of the "Urals" grade from russian ports in the Baltic Sea to EU countries.
The vessel was recorded by the Monitoring Group of the "Institute of Black Sea Strategic Studies" and the editors of BlackSeaNews as a violator of the embargo on the import of russian crude oil. In particular, the fact of the vessel's participation in oil transvesselment were recorded in May 2024 near the port of Nador (Morocco) and the Spanish port of Melilla in North Africa.
In June 2024, the vessel reloaded russian oil onto another tanker in the Mediterranean Sea in neutral waters near the Moroccan city of Nador.
In June-July 2024, UK and EU imposed sanctions on the vessel in connection with its involvement in the transportation of russian oil and/or petroleum products from the russian federation to third countries.
Following the sanctions, the vessel, along with other sanctioned tankers, was anchored approximately 80 miles from the Estonian port of Tallinn. The area is a popular destination for tankers waiting to load cargo at Baltic Sea ports.
Cases of AIS shutdown
Calling at russian ports
Visited ports
Karabiga (Turkey), Port Nador (Morocco), Port Said (Egypt), Ust-Luga (russia), Suez (Egypt), Primorsk (russia), Yalova (Turkey), Tuzla (Turkey), Skaw (Denmark), Cochin (India), Braakman Harbour (Netherlands), Tallinn Old City (Estonia), Melilla (Spain)
Available additional information
Shipowner (IMO / Country / Date)
Gimbal Marine LTD с/о One Moon Marine Services LLC (6424178 / UAE / 14.07.2023)
Commercial ship manager (IMO / Country / Date)
One Moon Marine Services LLC (6457199 / UAE / 23.12.2023)
Ship Safety Management Manager (IMO / Country / Date)
One Moon Marine Services LLC (6457199 / UAE / 23.12.2023)
Former ship names
Everglades / Overseas Everglades
Flags (former)
Marshall Islands
Build year
Builder (country)
New Times Shipbuilding Co Ltd (China)
War & Sanctions 2024