

IMO 9735323
Updated: 14.08.2024
Vessel name (international according to IMO)
Cargo transportation from/to ТОТ of Ukraine
 Calling ports of the TOT
Vessel Type
Chemical/Oil Products Tanker
Call sign
Flag (Current)
russian federation
The person in connection with whom sanctions have been applied
Provide additional information
Vessel information
The vessel is involved in the military logistics network of the russian federation in the interests of the ministry of defense of the russian federation on the territory of Syria, in particular, for the movement of fuel and lubricants (aviation fuel) from/to the point of logistical support of the Navy of the Armed Forces of the russian federation at the ports "Tartus" and "Banyas" (Syria) ) and the port "Kavkaz" (russian federation) with the AIS signal turned off.
The involvement of "Yaz", which belongs to the fleet of the russian sanctioned shipping company Transpetrochart LLC, in the supply of aviation fuel for the russian troops in Syria took place after the application of sanctions in September 2016 to JSC "Sovfracht" - one of the largest independent transport and forwarding companies of russia. which acts as a key node in the military transport network of russian cargo vessels that deliver North Korean weapons to military facilities, which are then transported to weapons depots on russia's western border for use in the war against Ukraine.
The vessel has been making calls to the ports of TOT Crimea (Ukraine) since 2017, involved in the transportation of petroleum products from the port of Feodosia (TOT Crimea, Ukraine) to Syria (Tartus port) in February 2024, in December 2023 with AIS turned off.
In September 2019, USA imposed sanctions on the vessel "Yaz".
Cases of AIS shutdown
Calling at russian ports
Visited ports
Azov (russia), Baltiysk (russia), Kaliningrad (russia), Kavkaz (russia), Sankt-Peterburg (russia), Taganrog (russia), Astrakhan (russia), Kronstadt (russia), Amirabad (Iran), Kamysh-Burun (Ukraine), Ikdas (Turkey), Tartus (Syria), Feodosia (Ukraine), Zhelezny Rog (russia), Baniyas (Syria)
Available additional information
Shipowner (IMO / Country / Date)
Transpetrochart LLC (5166023 / russia / 29.10.2014)
Commercial ship manager (IMO / Country / Date)
Transpetrochart LLC (5166023 / russia / 29.10.2014)
Ship Safety Management Manager (IMO / Country / Date)
Transpetrochart LLC (5166023 / russia / 10.11.2014)
Former ship names
Flags (former)
Build year
Builder (country)
JSC Akhtubinsk shipbuilding and ship repair plant (russia)
War & Sanctions 2024