
Fesco Moneron

IMO 9277412
Updated: 14.08.2024
Fesco Moneron
Vessel name (international according to IMO)
Fesco Moneron
 Link to a sanctioned entity
Vessel Type
Container Ship
Call sign
Flag (Current)
russian federation
The person in connection with whom sanctions have been applied
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Vessel information
The vessel is owned and operated by Investconsulting LLC (7708648850), a russian company affiliated with Fesco, one of the largest russian transport and logistics companies engaged in container shipping by sea, rail and road. Fesco owns assets in the port, railway and integrated logistics business, is a leader in container shipping in the russian Far East, is the largest port container operator in the Far East region, and owns the Vladivostok Commercial Port with an annual throughput capacity of 13 million tonnes of cargo, 82,000 vehicles and wheeled machinery, and over 860,000 TEU of containerised cargo.
The founder of Investconsulting LLC is the sanctioned russian company Transgarant LLC (7712098983), which is 91.2% owned by the sanctioned russian company PJSC DSMP (2540047110), the parent company of the Fesco Group.
The previous owner of the vessel was the russian universal leasing company PSB Leasing LLC (7722581759, under US and Ukrainian sanctions), affiliated with the sanctioned PJSC Promsvyazbank (7744000912), a systemically important state-owned banking institution of the russian federation that finances the russian defence industry, services significant volumes of state defence contracts of the ministry of defence of the russian federation, provides banking services to the russian military, including mortgage loans, and operates in the TOT of Ukraine.
In February 2022, as part of the sanctions imposed on PSC Promsvyazbank, USA imposed sanctions on five vessels (including the Fesco Moneron) owned (or owned at the time) by PSB Leasing LLC as a subsidiary of PSC Promsvyazbank.
Cases of AIS shutdown
Calling at russian ports
Visited ports
Magadan (russia), Korsakov (russia), Vladivostok (russia), Vladivostok Fishing Port (russia), Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (russia), Bolshoy Kamen (russia)
Available additional information
Shipowner (IMO / Country / Date)
Investkonsalting LLC (6344202 / russia / 01.04.2022)
Commercial ship manager (IMO / Country / Date)
Investkonsalting LLC (6344202 / russia / 01.04.2022)
Ship Safety Management Manager (IMO / Country / Date)
Investkonsalting LLC (6344202 / russia / 16.12.2022)
Former ship names
Francop / Tavastland
Flags (former)
Germany / Antigua and Barbuda / Great Britain
Build year
Builder (country)
Jj Sietas Schiffswerft (Germany)
War & Sanctions 2024