Among the companies to which sanctions have been applied:
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United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates (Office OT 17-32, 17th Floor, Office Tower, Central Park Towers, Dubai) / Liberia (80 Broad Street, Monrovia)

Афілійована із підсанкційним ПАТ "Совкомфлот" - найбільшою державною судноплавною компанією в росії, ключовою компанією з обслуговування та забезпечення морського видобутку вуглеводнів, транспортування російської нафти, нафтопродуктів, скрапленого газу на тлі застосування санкційних обмежень до рф після її повномасштабного вторгнення в Україну. Після застосування санкцій ПАТ "Совкомфлот" з метою їх обходу передала десятки суден у власність створених нею компаній, у тому числі в іноземних юрисдикціях, започаткувавши практику постійного "жонглювання" (передачі) суден на пов'язані компанії. Танкери, "переписані" ПАТ "Совкомфлот" на пов’язані компанії, за оцінками експертного середовища входять до так званого "тіньового танкерного флоту" рф для продовження продажів російської нафти, нафтопродуктів, скрапленого газу в умовах західних санкцій.

Sanction Jurisdictions
United States of America
Great Britain
New Zealand
Date of entry and reference to the document
The country has not yet applied sanctions
Sea vessels
SCF Primorye
Vessel name
SCF Primorye
Flag (Current)
russian federation
Vessel Type
Crude Oil Tanker
Transportation of fossil fuels
 Violation of the price cap
The vessel is involved in the transportation of russian crude oil during the period of the G7 and EU oil embargo on russian oil and the price cap policy at $60 per barrel of russian oil. The tanker was transporting russian crude oil at a price of over $75 after the price-cap policy came into effect. The owner and manager of the tanker is the russian company South Fleet LLC, the previous owner was the sanctioned company Lumber Marine SA, affiliated with the sanctioned PJSC Sovcomflot, the largest state-owned shipping company in russia, a key company for servicing and supporting offshore hydrocarbon production, transportation of russian oil, oil products, and liquefied natural gas amid the application of sanctions restrictions to russia after its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The services provided by Sovcomflot are a significant source of income for the russian federation, as more than 70% of russia's revenues come from the sale of energy, which allows it to finance its war against Ukraine. The main charterers of Sovcomflot vessels are the largest oil and gas companies and traders in russia. "Sovcomflot is involved in servicing major oil and gas projects in russia: "Sakhalin-1, Sakhalin-2, Varandey, Prirazlomnoye, Novy Port, Yamal LNG, and others. Prior to russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the company's fleet consisted of about 145 vessels. After the sanctions were imposed, Sovcomflot transferred dozens of vessels to the ownership of companies it had set up, including in foreign jurisdictions, in order to circumvent them, and began the practice of constantly "juggling" (transferring) vessels to affiliated companies. According to expert estimates, the tankers transferred by Sovcomflot to related companies are part of the so-called "shadow tanker fleet" of the russian federation to continue selling russian oil, oil products, and liquefied natural gas under Western sanctions. In October 2023, USA imposed sanctions on the "SCF Primorye" vessel for violating the price-cap policy.
War & Sanctions 2024