Sunny Day (sketch) / Soniachnyi Den (etud)
Sunny Day (sketch) / Soniachnyi Den (etud)
Kiriak Kostandi
Original name:
The country of the work of art:
Technique of implementation:
Painting, landscape
24,8x33 sm
Estimated value:
Special labels, markings, signatures:
Ж – 527, КП – 1059
Location of special signs:
On the back on canvas or on a stretcher
In the center is an image of a tall girl sitting on a wooden bench with metal twisted legs. Head and figure from back in 3/4 turn right. Elbows rest on the back of the bench, a book is open in the right hand. She is dressed in a pink sweater and a long dark blue skirt. On the head is a green scarf. To the left is a brown tree trunk casting a lilac shadow on the yellow-pink ground. In the background, on a dark brown ground, against a light green background, there is a sprawling green tree with a cut edge of the canvas. Paper label at the top right: OTKT Vp #5 ("ОТКТ Вп №5"), "1912" in pencil on the left, blue pencil in the middle. Below again: "5". in ink in the middle; sketch from the painting "Sunny Day. Property of Maria Kostandi III M. Kost." ("Сонячний день. Власність Марії Костанді ІІІ М.Кост."). Ink: "RUM 20/2 ("РУМ 20/2"). On the lower right, a label with the seal: "Costandi No. 1. The girl on the bench. Etude for the painting ‘Sunny Day’. Property of Kostandi Maria, deed 20/3, estimate 5,000 rubbles" ("Костанді №1. Дівчина на лаві. Етюд до картини "Сонячний день". Власність Костанді Марії акт 20/3 оцінка 5000 р."). The work has been converted. On the lower and left edges of the precipitation of the paint layer. From the bottom in the center - a scratch - 2.5 cm. At the top, a crack - 6.3 cm.
It was taken out of the Kherson Art Museum by representatives of the russian federation
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Details of theft
Year of the incident:
Place of the incident:
The Oleksii Shovkunenko Kherson Regional Art Museum
Coordinates (Lat, Lon):
46.62979067231111, 32.609546919505945
Place of last known stay:
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