
MONSON Jeffrey William


Martial arts

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Updated: 13.10.2024
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МОНСОН Джеффрі Вільям
МОНСОН Джеффри Уильям
MONSON Jeffrey William

Date and place of birth
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA

russian federation

Tax Number

American and russian athlete and actor
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World Champion
Deputy of the Krasnogorsk City District Council from the United russia party
Deputy of the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan of the seventh convocation
First Vice President of the Wrestling Federation of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Coach of HC "Granit-Chekhov"

He actively supports russia's war against Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea, spreading the Kremlin's propaganda narratives. In his public statements, he condemns the US assistance to Ukraine, which is why he changed his citizenship to russian. In addition, declared his readiness to personally fight against Ukraine.
In 2016, he received the citizenship of the so-called "LPR". He systematically visits the so-called "DPR/LPR", provides them with financial support, and calls on everyone to participate in fundraising to "help victims of the war in eastern Ukraine". He was awarded the medal of the so-called "Ministry of Internal Affairs of the LPR" "For Assistance to the Internal Affairs Bodies".
In 2022, together with russia Today, he made a "8 Years Before" documentary about Donbas, and explained that he decided to create this film because he was "offended to see the wrong history of the conflict in the Western media."
In February 2023, he got a symbolic tattoo of the letter "Z" in support of the so-called "SMO".
In 2023, together with the State Duma deputy Alexander Valuev, he announced the filming of a joint documentary on the same topic called "Just Life".
He is one of the key figures in the putin's Team public movement and a member of the all-russian public and political movement People's Front for russia (under sanctions from the EU, Canada, Switzerland and Ukraine), created at putin's initiative to "move russia forward through joint efforts."

Sanction Jurisdictions
United States of America
Great Britain
New Zealand
Date of entry and reference to the document
The country has not yet applied sanctions
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War & Sanctions 2024