Persons to whom
Sanctions applied
NamePositionSanction Jurisdictions
KUMPILOV Murat Karalbievich
Member of the State Council of the Russian Federation, Head of the Republic of Adygea
Australia, EU, Great Britain, New Zealand, Switzerland, United States of America
KRIVONOGIKH Svetlana Alexandrovna
Businessman, founder of LLC "Gornostay", LLC "Relax"
Canada, Great Britain
KABAYEVA Alina Maratovna
Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC National Media Group, politician, Russian athlete
Australia, Canada, EU, Great Britain, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, United States of America
PUTINA / TIKHONOVA Katerina / Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Head of the Center for National Intellectual Reserve of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Director of the National Intellectual Development Foundation
Australia, Canada, EU, Great Britain, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, United States of America
LVOVA-BELOVA Maria Alekseevna
Commissioner for Children's Rights under the president of the russian federation
Australia, Canada, EU, Great Britain, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, Ukraine, United States of America
MASLOV Igor Venidiktovich
Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department for Interregional and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries
EU, Great Britain, Switzerland
KHARICHEV Alexander Dmitrievich
Head of the Division of Operation of the State Council in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation
Australia, Canada, EU, Great Britain, Japan, Switzerland, United States of America
YARIN Andrey Veniaminovich
Head of the Internal Policy Department of the Presidential Administration of Russia
Canada, EU, Great Britain, United States of America
FADEEV Valerii Aleksandrovich
Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation
EU, Switzerland
FURSENKO Andrey Alexandrovich
Assistant to the President of the Russia Federation
Australia, Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, United States of America
USHAKOV Yuriy Viktorovich
Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation for Foreign Policy Affairs
ORESHKIN Maxim (Maksim/Maksym) Stanislavovich
Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation for Economic Affairs; Member of the Coordination Council under the Government of the Russian Federation for Meeting the Needs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Other Troops, Military Formations and Bodies; Former Minister of Economic Development; Former Assistant (Economic Adviser) to President Putin; Member of the Supervisory Board of Rosatom; Member of the Board of Directors of Rosneft.
Australia, Canada, EU, Great Britain, Switzerland, United States of America
War & Sanctions 2024