Among the persons to whom sanctions are applied:
KUZNETSOVA Anna Yuryevna
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КУЗНЄЦОВА Анна Юріївна
КУЗНЕЦОВА Анна Юрьевна
KUZNETSOVA Anna Yuryevna

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Deputy Secretary of the General Council of the United russia Party / Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the russian federation / Chairman of the Commission of the Presidium of the General Council of the United russia Party for work with citizens' appeals to the Chairman of the United russia Party Dmitry Medvedev / Chairman of the Commission of the General Council of the United russia Party for the Protection of Motherhood, Childhood and Family Support

Tax Number

Supports and implements putin's policy of deporting Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to russia, promotes the forced placement of Ukrainian children, including orphans, in russian families. Participates in an organized mechanism of mass abduction, illegal deportation and forced transfer of Ukrainian citizens, including children, from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to russia.
Starting in March 2022, Aanna Kuznetsova, who served as the russian Ombudsman for Children's Rights until 2021, together with the current Children's Ombudsman Maria Lvova-Belova, lobbied for the adoption of a federal law lifting the ban on the adoption of children from other countries by russian citizens.
As a result, on May 30, 2022, a number of regulatory acts of the russian federation were amended, which made it possible for orphans and children without guardianship from the so-called “L/DPR” and Ukraine to obtain russian citizenship under a simplified procedure.
Based on the results of interviews with children, she directly made decisions on the distribution of orphans, children deprived of parental care, children with disabilities, and children in difficult living conditions in the in difficult living conditions to state boarding schools or family-type orphanages or placement for adoption.

Sanction Jurisdictions
United States of America
Great Britain
New Zealand
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The country has not yet applied sanctions
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War & Sanctions 2024