Among the persons to whom sanctions are applied:
LISTOPADOVA Natalia Gennadievna
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ЛИСТОПАДОВА Наталія Геннадіївна
ЛИСТОПАДОВА Наталья Геннадьевна
LISTOPADOVA Natalia Gennadievna

Date and place of birth
USSR, RSFSR, Kursk Region, Shchigry

Commissioner for children's rights in the Kursk region

Tax Number

As the Children's Rights Commissioner in the Kursk Region supports and actively implements putin's policy regarding the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to the Kursk Region for further placement into russian families under guardianship. Approves the simplified procedure for obtaining russian citizenship for Ukrainian orphaned children. In fact, this move by the Kremlin dictator means the forced passportization of residents of temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine by russia and attempts to legalize the illegal transfer of Ukrainian children from the territories temporarily occupied by the russian army to the territory of the russian federation, effectively legitimizing their abduction.

In its annual report for 2023, the Children's Rights Commissioner reports on the continuation of work to 'ensure the rights' of children displaced from Ukraine, in particular, taking measures to ensure that Ukrainian children receive education in russian educational institutions. As of the beginning of October 2023, 393 students from 'migrant' families were studying in educational institutions in the Kursk Region (excluding preschool educational institutions and professional education institutions).

In February 2022, 276 Ukrainian children were transported en masse to the territory of the Kursk Region from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, 140 of whom were placed with russian families (according to the annual report of the Children's Rights Commissioner in the Kursk Region for 2022).

Sanction Jurisdictions
United States of America
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Date of entry and reference to the document
The country has not yet applied sanctions
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War & Sanctions 2024