Among the persons to whom sanctions are applied:
NIKITIN Gleb Sergeyevich

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НІКІТІН Гліб Сергійович
НИКИТИН Глеб Сергеевич
NIKITIN Gleb Sergeyevich
НИКИТИН Глеб Сергеевич
NIKITIN Gleb Sergeyevich
Date and place of birth
Leninhrad (Sankt-Peterburh), RSFSR
Leninhrad (Sankt-Peterburh), RSFSR
Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region
Tax Number
Was involved in organizing the arrival in the region of 24 illegally taken children from the TOT of Ukraine to be placed under the care of russian families in Nizhny Novgorod region. He participated in the implementation of the mechanism of the so-called “evacuation” of about 1 thousand Ukrainians, half of whom were children, to temporary accommodation centers in order to disseminate information about the “peacekeeping and humanitarian” goals of the so-called “evacuation”, trying to create a demonstrably positive image of russia as a “peacekeeping country”.
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