Among the persons to whom sanctions are applied:
KARAGANOV Sergey Aleksandrovich
KARAGANOV Sergey Aleksandrovich
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КАРАГАНОВ Сергій Олександрович
КАРАГАНОВ Сергей Александрович
KARAGANOV Sergey Aleksandrovich

Date and place of birth

russian political scientist
honorary chairman of the presidium of the Council for Foreign and Defense Policy

Tax Number

He is an ideologue of kremlin propaganda, political commentator and consultant who actively promotes putin's aggressive policy and justifies russia's war against Ukraine. He influences public opinion by spreading anti-Ukrainian, anti-Western and nuclear narratives that form the basis of the kremlin's information campaigns.
It is known for its support of the use of nuclear weapons as an instrument of political pressure. In particular, in June 2023, he called on the kremlin to launch a nuclear strike on Poland, arguing that it was necessary to "force the West to make concessions". His calls are aimed at escalating the nuclear blackmail used by the kremlin to pressure NATO countries and destabilize international security.
In his articles for russian media outlets, he promotes the narrative that "Ukraine will cease to exist as an anti-russian state". He also claims that Ukraine is allegedly used by the West as a tool in the confrontation with russia, which leads to the degradation of Ukrainian statehood. In addition, Karaganov accuses Ukraine of "deliberately provoking russia with the support of the West". His rhetoric is aimed at undermining the legitimacy of Ukraine as an independent state, shaping its image as a "puppet of the West" and justifying russia's aggressive actions in the international arena.
He actively discredits Ukraine and its partners by spreading disinformation about the "incapacity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" and the "inevitability of Ukraine's defeat". His theses are synchronized with the kremlin's narratives aimed at demoralizing Ukrainian society and reducing the level of international support for Ukraine. His views and public statements are used by pro-kremlin media to legitimize war crimes and the kremlin's aggressive policies in the international arena. His materials create information pretexts for media campaigns aimed at justifying aggression against Ukraine and promoting the idea of "the need to confront the West".

Sanction Jurisdictions
Sanction Jurisdictions: USA
Sanction Jurisdictions: Canada
Sanction Jurisdictions: Switzerland
Sanction Jurisdictions: EU
Sanction Jurisdictions: UK
Sanction Jurisdictions: Australia
New Zealand
Sanction Jurisdictions: New Zealand
Sanction Jurisdictions: Japan
Sanction Jurisdictions: Ukraine
Date of entry and reference to the document Date of entry and reference to the document
The country has not yet applied sanctions The country has not yet applied sanctions
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War & Sanctions 2025
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