Among the companies to which sanctions have been applied:
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russian federation

143322, Russian Federation, region Moscow, Naro-Fominsk, vil. Ateptsevo, st. Sportivnaya, possession 1, of. 22

"Ambet" group of companies is engaged in the supply of industrial equipment and CNC production machines for metalworking.
"Abamet Management Company" is the main company in the structure of the "Abamet" group of companies.
He is engaged in strategic planning of activities, development of marketing policy, operational management and coordination of the work of regional divisions of the "Abamet" group of companies.
The modern armament of the Russian Federation is critically dependent on foreign imports.
The aggressor country takes intensive measures to strengthen its own resource base in the production of electronic components, attract the non-state sector of the economy, create incentives for the development of the relevant industry, as a result of which these developments can be used as substitutes for components for the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation.
The manufacture of electronic components and modern weapons is critically dependent on CNC machine tools.
These machines come to the Russian Federation with the help of Russian distributors and are serviced by Russian service companies. Such companies help to circumvent sanctions and also carry out hacking of machines, which makes it impossible for manufacturers to control these machines.
Thus, the companies of the Russian Federation (suppliers, manufacturers, service providers of machine tools) are the basis for restoring the ability of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation to ensure the production of weapons at the level that existed until February 24, 2022.
Also, the company's activity is a source of significant income for the budget of the Russian Federation, and therefore for waging an aggressive war. So, for 2021, the company's turnover amounted to 3.8 billion rubles, net profit - 260 million rubles, taxes and fees in the amount of 285 million rubles were paid.
Thus, the company commits actions that create real and/or potential threats to the national interests, national security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, contribute to terrorist activities and/or violate the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen, the interests of society and the state, lead to the occupation of the territory , expropriation or restriction of property rights, property losses, creation of obstacles to sustainable economic development and full exercise of rights and freedoms by citizens of Ukraine.

Sanction Jurisdictions
United States of America
Great Britain
New Zealand
Date of entry and reference to the document
The country has not yet applied sanctions
War & Sanctions 2024