OGNEVAIA Natalia Viktorovna

Abduction perpetrators

OGNEVAIA Natalia Viktorovna
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ОГНЄВА Наталія Вікторівна
ОГНЕВАЯ Наталья Викторовна
OGNEVAIA Natalia Viktorovna

Date and place of birth
Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov region, russian federation

russian federation

Tax Number

Director of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Sports and Health Organization "Sentoki"

Responsible for the implementation of the project "A-1" - "Preparing to defend the Motherland". At the beginning of January 2023, the "Sentoki" organization received a grant from the Presidential Grants Fund in the amount of about 4.2 million rubles for the implementation of this project. The main task of the "A-1" project is to improve the physical training of children and adolescents from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and russian children whose parents are participating in the war against Ukraine. The main goal is to prepare children to pass sports standards for admission to russian higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Defense, cadet corps and schools. The project is aimed at reshaping the consciousness of Ukrainian teenagers and beliefs about the prospects of further employment and service in the russian security forces. Thus, the activity of the person and the organization headed by him is actually aimed at forming future units of the russian army and security forces from Ukrainian children who were forcibly taken to the russian federation.

Sanction Jurisdictions
Sanction Jurisdictions: USA
Sanction Jurisdictions: Canada
Sanction Jurisdictions: Switzerland
Sanction Jurisdictions: EU
Sanction Jurisdictions: UK
Sanction Jurisdictions: Australia
New Zealand
Sanction Jurisdictions: New Zealand
Sanction Jurisdictions: Japan
Sanction Jurisdictions: Ukraine
Date of entry and reference to the document Date of entry and reference to the document
The country has not yet applied sanctions The country has not yet applied sanctions
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War & Sanctions 2025
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