ZAKAMENNYKH Georgii Ivanovich
scientific Director on Military and Civilian Issues - Chief Constructor - Deputy CEO of JSC "Burevestnik Central Research Institute"
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Updated: 24.02.2025

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ЗАКАМЄННИХ Георгій Іванович
ЗАКАМЕННЫХ Георгий Иванович
ZAKAMENNYKH Georgii Ivanovich
ЗАКАМЕННЫХ Георгий Иванович
ZAKAMENNYKH Georgii Ivanovich
Date of birth
Tax Number
Positions or membership in the governance bodies of the russian MIC
member of the Board of the military-industrial commission
member of the Scientific and technical council of the military-industrial commission
Other positions
scientific Director on Military and Civilian Issues - Chief Constructor - Deputy CEO of JSC "Burevestnik Central Research Institute"
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